Last Monday,8-8-16, was the annual visit to the Caldwell Lily Pond. Again this year we arrived too late for the bulk of the lilies in bloom, but it was a beautiful day and a few other visitors made the day special.
I had settled on the view and had stated on my sketch when we were joined by a Great Blue Heron that had arrived to do some hunting off to my left. I guess because we were quiet and still, he stayed for close to a half hour. Suddenly another heron swooped in across the pond from behind me, there was a brief encounter between the birds and then the newcomer chased off the first towards the north. One of them returned in a few minutes and disappeared into the flowers and bushes on the east side of the pond, not to be seen again. I was awestruck by the herons, truly one of those spiritual moments out in nature that happen for me from time to time. He was beautiful and I added a quick sketch of this creature on the left side if my sketch. We also had several colorful ducks that had migrated to the pond from the zoo that were quite interested in what we were doing. I didn't get them in this sketch but got some nice photos as one showed off for me. I also got some decent photos of the heron.
All in all, it made for an special day, the Caldwell Lilly Pond has become my Walden Pond!